Legal framework of clean energy transition in the European Union concerning the winter package


  • Ignacio Zamora Santa Brígida Investigador predoctoral. Departamento de Derecho Administrativo. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)



winter package, design of the electricity market, renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy policies, Energy Union


This article analyzes the regulatory developments that bring us the fourth energy package (winter package) and its impact on the Spanish legal order. To that end, it has been considered opportune to begin by explaining the evolution of the EU energy policy from the third energy package to the present. Additionally, the study indicates the elements that could be key in its geostrategic context. Later, to comment the fourth energy package systematically, we have decided to divide its content into four groups: the design of the electricity market, the promotion of renewable energy, the increase of energy efficiency and the new governance for the Energy Union. Finally, it is pointed out what aspects of the fourth energy package are already incorporated in the Spanish legal system and what domestic institutions should be adapted to the EU regulation.


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How to Cite

Zamora Santa Brígida, I. (2018). Legal framework of clean energy transition in the European Union concerning the winter package. CEFLegal. Revista práctica De Derecho, (211-212), 55–84.



Comentarios doctrinales y jurisprudenciales. Constitucional-administrativo