Default interests may be charged after the declaration of nullity of the contractual term that includes them?


  • M.ª de Lourdes Ferrando Villalba Profesora titular de Derecho mercantil (acreditada a catedrática). Universitat de València (España)



unfair terms, default interest, nullity of contractual terms


The economic crisis has been a catalyst for the review of numerous consumer protection’s rules, substantive and procedural. This function has been carried out in part by our legislator, but it has been very important the role of the ECJ in its interpretation of our legislation regarding the EU Directives, and in particular Directive 93/13/EEC.

It is at this point where the object of study of this article is framed. Default interests have been the subject of numerous rulings of our courts and many academic studies. The concept and function of default interest are discussed, as well as their potential unfairness, whose statement entails the nullity of the contractual term. In this case several options arise to determine if the creditor may charge a default interest rate as compensation for the delay or not.


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How to Cite

Ferrando Villalba, M. de L. (2015). Default interests may be charged after the declaration of nullity of the contractual term that includes them?. CEFLegal. Revista práctica De Derecho, (178), 81–102.



Comentarios doctrinales y jurisprudenciales. Civil-mercantil