The legal part of the inheritance and its claim: calculation, payment, judicial claim. Different practical aspects


  • Josep Llobet Aguado Doctor en Derecho. Magistrado. Profesor colaborador. CEF.- Profesor asociado. UAB (España)



inheritances, civil litigation, individual, legal part of inheritance


This paper aims, through the monitoring of an example, the treatment of the main issues that arise in the daily practice of the Catalan courts concerning the part of the inheritance that, ex lege, corresponds to certain relatives. The aim is not, therefore, to make arduous dogmatic disquisitions on the institution, but the timely and orderly approach to those points that most discussion arise when the conflict is submitted to a court of justice. It has been considered relevant to pose a practical case, in order to continue, in a similar to what happens in reality, the process that must be traveled to the realization of the individual and legal part of the inheritance and its eventual claim in court. The case to solve will allow to deal with the various elements and the possibilities that a priori can occur in situations like the one analyzed.


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How to Cite

Llobet Aguado, J. (2015). The legal part of the inheritance and its claim: calculation, payment, judicial claim. Different practical aspects. CEFLegal. Revista práctica De Derecho, (173), 45–70.



Comentarios doctrinales y jurisprudenciales. Civil-mercantil