The marine legal expenses insurance


  • Vanessa Amarelle Guillín Licenciada en Derecho, Licenciada en ADE. Abogada en ejercicio (España)



marine insurance, legal expenses insurance, english rules, Protection and Indemnity, Protection & Indemnity Clubs, P&I Clubs, Freight, Demurrage and Defence insurance, the deductibles


The legal expenses insurance is discovered in the world of Maritime Law as a coverage full of pecularities. First of all, because it is excluded from the scope of the Spanish Insurance Contract Act, and also because the claims of the contractors go beyond the mere assumption of the costs of legal professionals and the provisions of the Commercial Code, dated 1885. If the Spanish Law governing Insurance Contracts excludes from its Section 9 on the legal expenses insurance disputes or risks «arising out of or relating to the use of ships and marine vessels», how is provided legal cover for such issues?

In this way, P&I Clubs are particularly relevant. These groups of mutual stakeholders, who impose their standards to members, provide similar coverage, but not analogous, to legal defense through what is called «FD&D». The similarities between the two institutions are affected by strong contrasts, outstanding among which are the large differences in maximum financial limits covered, and the global and international character of disputes, approach that must be made from the study and analysis of the own P&I Clubs rules.

It is noteworthy that this is a regime governed by the autonomy of the will, something already provided by the Spanish Commercial Code, although in this case, autonomy means free entry into the Club, because from hence, the governing bodies thereof shall be those who will have broad discretion to decide how and when provide this coverage. P&I Clubs have a large number of professionals available twenty-four hours for that purpose, and these manage all aspects of the procedure and experts, from the very moment they are aware of any such claim.


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Bataller Grau, J./Latorre Chiner, N. /Olavarría Iglesia, J.: Derecho de los Seguros Privados, Edit. Marcial Pons, Madrid, 2007.

Gabaldón García, J.L./Ruiz Soroa, J.M.: Manual de Derecho de la Navegación Marítima, Edit. Marcial Pons, Madrid, 2006.

García Pita y Lastres, J.L.: Riesgos e Intereses del Naviero y Cobertura Asegurativa, Edit. Thompson Reuters-Aranzadi, Pamplona, 2009.

Olmos Pildáin, A.: El Seguro de Defensa Jurídica, Edit. Aranzadi, Pamplona, 1997.

Tejpal Dhesi, The Freight Demurrage & Defence Concept, The Swedish Club Letter 3-2001.

— What fate awaits the impecunious defendant?, The Swedish Club Letter 2-2005.

Neil A. Quartaro, Requirements for Attachment of Assets under Rule B,

«Class 6- Freight, Demurrage and Defence»; Annual Report and Financial Statements 2010, publicado por The Britannia Steam Ship Insurance Association Limited:

Directiva 87/344/CEE, de 22 de junio de 1987, sobre coordinación de las disposiciones legales, reglamentarias y administrativas relativas al seguro de defensa jurídica.

Directiva 2009/20/CE, del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 23 de abril de 2009, relativa al seguro de los propietarios de buques para las reclamaciones de Derecho Marítimo.

Directiva 73/239/CEE, de 24 de julio de 1973, sobre coordinación de las disposiciones legales, reglamentarias y administrativas de acceso a la actividad del seguro directo distinto del seguro de vida y a su ejercicio, conocida como Primera Directiva Daños.

Web oficial del Grupo Internacional de Clubs de Protección e Indemnización:

Páginas web oficiales de los 13 principales Clubs de P&I en el ámbito internacional:

American Steamship Owners Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association, Inc.

Assuranceforeningen Skuld.

Gard P&I (Bermuda) Ltd.

The Britannia Steam Ship Insurance Association Limited.

The Japan Ship Owners' Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association.

The London Steam-Ship Owners' Mutual Insurance Association Limited.

The North of England Protecting & Indemnity Association Limited.

The Shipowners' Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association (Luxembourg).



How to Cite

Amarelle Guillín, V. (2012). The marine legal expenses insurance. CEFLegal. Revista práctica De Derecho, (135), 5–38.



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