Accesibility in the urban environnment: the Public administration and the constitutional laws of disabled people. Analysis of the more recent jurisprudence and outside courts of justice conflicts solutions


  • Manuela del Pilar Santos Pita Dra. en Derecho por la Universidad de Córdoba. Contratada doctora de la Universidad de la Coruña (España)
  • Genoveva Millán Vázquez De La Torre Dra. en Ciencias Económicas por la Universidad de Córdoba. Profesora titular de la Universidad de Córdoba (España)



town planning, accessibility


Contemplated the town planning as a middle to satisfy our rights such as citizens, have to take into account that needs that are presented are different depending on the situation in which find us. From our work expect to analyse different elements of the town planning in connection with different situations of who it use. Is discussed then of creating a takeover of conscience by Public administration of the need of that the town planning is taken into account as an element at the service of citizens. Although it is fair to say that there are standards exhaustive that they do relationship to urban demands of accessibility, and design for everyone, - substituting in this way the previous qualitative perspective for another in which the idea of sustainability appears as a latent element - does not be it less the fact that sometimes standards are not fulfilled losing thus its use and effectiveness. The demand of a great sensitisation and a great control of the regulations appears as an essential item for enjoys the rights and the quality in its use.

Necessary to take into account is done that the progressive aging of the town, together with other facts as they are the high degree of work accident rate, as well as traffic accidents raise the figure of people that have difficulties to carry out its displacements, of identical way that people that they suffer some type of disability, need of an environment that it takes into account its limitations. For this reason we want to show the importance of the accessibility in the town planning for enjoys the rights fit to equality. The town planning needs of a planning with long-term forecasts, so that our environment offers some quality conditions for us and future generations, for this reason it has be designed from the origin with the aim of fulfilling not already only with current expectations and needs, if not with those of future generations, which it will come given from a sustainable urban development.


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How to Cite

Santos Pita, M. del P., & Millán Vázquez De La Torre, G. (2010). Accesibility in the urban environnment: the Public administration and the constitutional laws of disabled people. Analysis of the more recent jurisprudence and outside courts of justice conflicts solutions. CEFLegal. Revista práctica De Derecho, (119), 127–156.



Comentarios doctrinales y jurisprudenciales. Constitucional-administrativo