Crowdfunding to ask for financial help before false illness with the excuse of people's health as an aggravated scam. An abuse of citizens' good faith




aggravated fraud, people's health, social utility asset, crowdfunding


Analysis of the court cases in which some people pretend a false illness, their own or their children's, in order to raise funds to help those diseases that do not exist, so that even the petitioners point out the aid or funds to fight these pretended diseases.
In this way, a fraud to the health factor it is assumed, which entails an aggravated fraud according to article 250.1.1º of the Criminal Code, since using people's health as an instrument to promote deception and asset detachment of many people. The asset detachment takes place in a kind of «crowdfunding» with the intention of helping a person with a disease that is false or apparent.


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Author Biography

Vicente Magro Servet, Magistrado de la Sala de lo Penal del Tribunal Supremo. Doctor en Derecho (España)

Magistrado de la Sala de lo Penal del Tribunal Supremo. Autor y coautor de 81 libros de derecho y autor de 1.545 artículos doctrinales en distintas revistas jurídicas especializadas. Doctor en Derecho con la tesis doctoral Soluciones de la sociedad española ante la violencia que se ejerce sobre las mujeres y, entre otras condecoraciones, es poseedor de la cruz de honor de San Raimundo de Peñafort.


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Elisa. (2021). Guía de Crowdfunding Médico. Gofundme.

Escribano, M. (2022). El negocio sanitario del «crowdfunding»: donaciones «online» para pagar tu operación. El Confidencial.

Otero, P. (2015). Crowdfunding: Una nueva opción para la financiación de proyectos en salud. Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría, 113(2), 154-157.



How to Cite

Magro Servet, V. (2023). Crowdfunding to ask for financial help before false illness with the excuse of people’s health as an aggravated scam. An abuse of citizens’ good faith . CEFLegal. Revista práctica De Derecho, (274), 121–138.



Estudios doctrinales de Penal

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