PPL (profit participation loan)


  • Blanca Vallés Mallén Exalumna de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Estudiante en prácticas del Máster de Acceso a la Abogacía. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (España)




PPL, bankruptcy, corporate finance, crowdfunding


The difficult economic situation that began in 2008 supposed a «boom» in the use of alternative sources of financing. Among these alternatives is found the profit participative loan (PPL), regulated mainly in article 20 of Royal Decree-Law 7/1996. This article is limited to determining the notes that configure it and certain aspects of its legal regime, which are: a variable interest to be determined on the basis of the performance of the borrowing company's activity, early repayment conditioned on an increase in the same amount of its equity, its subordinate nature and, finally, its consideration as equity for the purposes of capital reduction and liquidation of companies provided for in mercantile legislation. This article, which has been amended several times throughout its history, has been proved to be insufficient to regulate the figure, raising to a certain degree of legal uncertainty which, however, has not been an obstacle to its use. This paper tries to answer some questions that have traditionally been posed around the figure. In order to do so, it deals with the following: Firstly, the regulations applicable to the figure, giving a historical overview and ending with the regulations projected in article 573-10 of the Preliminary Draft of the New Commercial Code and deals with the possible application of other rules: the Usury Law or the Consumer Credit Contracts Law. Secondly, an analysis of the defining elements is made, differentiating between the personal elements (lender and borrower) and the remunerative elements (variable interest and eventual fixed interest). Then, it is analyzed the accounting treatment with special reference to two specific commercial-law situations: the compulsory reduction of capital due to losses and the possible cause of dissolution of the company for the same reason. Finally, it deals with the treatment of the PPL in the event of bankruptcy.


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How to Cite

Vallés Mallén, B. (2019). PPL (profit participation loan). CEFLegal. Revista práctica De Derecho, (222), 5–42. https://doi.org/10.51302/ceflegal.2019.9807



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