Public request for funds in a crowdfunding platform through the issuance of equity shares


  • Ainhoa Martín Anadón Estudiante de 6.º curso del Doble Grado en Derecho y Administración y Dirección de Empresas (España)



equity crowdfunding, financing, small and medium size enterprises (SMEs), private limited companies


Participative financing has been consolidated in recent years as an alternative to viable financing for SMEs because of the serious economic and financial crisis that our country has gone through. Traditional sources of financing have proved ineffective and Spanish SMEs are forced to seek alternative methods to finance themselves. Within this new financing formula, one of the most important and growing modalities is equity crowdfunding, which consists of the request of financing by the promoter of a project through the issuance of shares of limited companies with public offer of subscription through a digital platform of participative financing. Spain has introduced a legal regimen on investment-based crowdfunding through the Law 5/2015 on Promotion of Business Financing that establishes certain requirements in relation to the process of obtaining financing and its different phases. However, this regulation must be coordinated with the regulation of the capital increase by issuing new shares for cash consideration regulated by the Capital Companies Act. To the difficulties for the coordination of both Laws we must add the lack of solutions to some problems that the practice has shown. The purpose of this work is to analyze fully and in depth equity crowdfunding operations in private companies, offering solutions to the problems they show in practice.


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How to Cite

Martín Anadón, A. (2019). Public request for funds in a crowdfunding platform through the issuance of equity shares. CEFLegal. Revista práctica De Derecho, (216), 5–40.



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