Directive 2014/95/UE. Disclosure of non financial information: towards integrated reporting


  • Julián Rebolo Palacios Profesor Asociado. UNED (España)
  • Ana Isabel Segovia San Juan Profesora Titular de Universidad. UNED (España)



integrated reporting, non-financial information, EU Directive, corporate social responsibility, sustainability


Financial information is not enough to make decision about the company and to determine their real value. Investors and other stakeholders interested in the financial information of a company concentrate their decisions nowadays on non-financial as well as financial information including social and environmental aspects and corporate governance. The divulgation of this kind of information by the companies, together with the future predictions, the risks they face and the way they manage them, will increment the credibility and reputation of the companies.

The European Union, becoming aware of this reality, has approved the Directive 2014/95/UE as regards disclosure of non-financial and diversity information, with the aim of including this kind of information in the financial statements of the large companies.

In this article we examine this new european directive and, going a step further, we analyse it considering its interrelations with the new international trend about integrated reporting. The integrated reporting stands for the creation of a new paradigm oriented to the disclosure of the corporative information through a single report where all the information of the organizations is integrated supported with the use of new technological tools.


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How to Cite

Rebolo Palacios, J., & Segovia San Juan, A. I. (2015). Directive 2014/95/UE. Disclosure of non financial information: towards integrated reporting. Revista De Contabilidad Y Tributación. CEF, (386), 223–250.