Accounting issues of distribution of income in foundations


  • Belén Álvarez Pérez Profesora Titular de Economía Financiera y Contabilidad. Universidad de Oviedo (España)
  • Pedro Lorca Fernández Profesor Titular de Economía Financiera y Contabilidad. Universidad de Oviedo (España)



foundations, distribution of income, accounting reform, accounting profit


Despite the increasing importance of foundations, the information about the foundation sector is still very scarce. In the accounting field, there are issues that require careful study, especially after the adoption of PGC-2007. Particularly, in accordance with Spanish regulation on foundations, calculating the distribution of income is very confusing. Thus, in this paper we study not only the determination of income in accordance with current accounting standards, but also the effectiveness of its destination. The article is illustrated with an example that shows the problems that could arise in calculating the distribution of income. Finally, we highlight some topics that require greater precision in the future.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Pérez, B., & Lorca Fernández, P. (2010). Accounting issues of distribution of income in foundations. Revista De Contabilidad Y Tributación. CEF, (332), 149–182.