Critical reflections about the Spanish Law of citizen security


  • Roser Andreu Llovet Doctoranda en Derecho. Universidad de Lleida (España)



public safety, fundamental rights, freedom of assembly, right to demonstrate, administrative law penalties


This study analyses some of the aspects which –to greater or lesser extent– resounded during the production, the processing and the adopting of the new legal system in the case of public safety. Firstly, it analyses the controversial needs in which they were protected in order to justify themselves. Secondly, it analyses its fitting problems with the regulations surrounding fundamental rights regarding the freedom of assembly and the right to demonstrate and, thirdly and lastly, it includes a brief reference to the metamorphosis of some illicit penal in administrative, as well as some considerations related to the guiding principles of the power to impose penalties in public Administration.


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How to Cite

Andreu Llovet, R. (2016). Critical reflections about the Spanish Law of citizen security. CEFLegal. Revista práctica De Derecho, (181), 53–110.



Comentarios doctrinales y jurisprudenciales. Constitucional-administrativo