The withdrawal of the attempt in the crime of procedural fraud

Commentary on the Judgment of the 2nd Chamber of the Supreme Court no. 471/2018, of October 17


  • Daniel González Uriel Juez titular del Juzgado de 1.ª Instancia e Instrucción núm. 2 de la Seo de Urgel. Doctorando en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España)


withdrawal, procedural fraud, attempt


STS 471/2018 analyzes the figure of voluntary withdrawal in the crime of procedural fraud by a co-author who did not attend the day of the trial. However, it shows that he was a subject with functional domain of the typical event, with full knowledge of the fraudulent plan. The Supreme Court resolves that the fact of not going to the trial does not imply a voluntary and active conduct that entails the application of the absolving excuse, so it confirms the judgment appealed. In addition, the High Court rejects that the classification of the finished or unfinished attempt must be taken into account when reducing the penalty in one or two grades, but the risk inherent in the attempt and the degree of execution must be assessed.


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How to Cite

González Uriel, D. (2019). The withdrawal of the attempt in the crime of procedural fraud: Commentary on the Judgment of the 2nd Chamber of the Supreme Court no. 471/2018, of October 17. CEFLegal. Revista práctica De Derecho, (221), 137–148. Retrieved from



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