EU Directive 2016/1164 against tax avoidance practices affecting the internal market: The beginning of the end of a national Corporate income tax or an additional piece of incoordination in the new post-BEPS order?


  • José Manuel Calderón Carrero Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario. Universidad de A Coruña (España)
  • Adolfo Martín Jiménez Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario. Universidad de Cádiz (España)



corporation income tax, EU Law and taxation, anti-avoidance tax provisions, GAAR, SAARs, aggressive tax planning


This paper sets out the content and main implications of Council Directive 2016/1164 of 12 July 2016 laying down rules against tax avoidance practices which have a direct impact on the functioning of the internal market. The directive not only implements some international (OECD/G20) sof-law standards in EU hard-law, but also modulates their content and includes new measures «Beyond BEPS». This is part of a pan-European corporation tax transformation process that has relevant consequences for governments, tax administrations and taxpayers.


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How to Cite

Calderón Carrero, J. M., & Martín Jiménez, A. (2017). EU Directive 2016/1164 against tax avoidance practices affecting the internal market: The beginning of the end of a national Corporate income tax or an additional piece of incoordination in the new post-BEPS order?. Revista De Contabilidad Y Tributación. CEF, (407), 5–56.

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