The alternative to the traditional banking financial system. The participating loan


  • María Teresa Cano Fernández Diplomada en Relaciones Laborales y Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas. Asesor de empresas. Asesoría Baylet (España)
  • Pedro Loma Pardo Licenciado en Economía. Asesor de empresas (España)



small and medium-sized companies, participating loans, net accounting wealth, subordinated nature, related parties


Nowadays, the economic situation, stems from world financial crisis, has leaded stopping of the banking financial system. In Spain, the situation is not different. The small and medium-sized companies amount to 99 per 100 of the total Spanish companies, and more than ever these companies are suffering from access to banking financing.

The participating loan is an economic instrument of the double purpose: to finance and to capitalize. It increases the cash, it means a strengthening of the net accounting wealth, and it makes easy rise in the external financing because it doesn´t increase the indebtedness index.


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How to Cite

Cano Fernández, M. T., & Loma Pardo, P. (2012). The alternative to the traditional banking financial system. The participating loan. Revista De Contabilidad Y Tributación. CEF, (347), 185–208.