Efectos de la nulidad de contrato por vicios en el consentimiento


  • María Del Mar Cabrejas Guijarro Magistrada del Juzgado n.º 55 de Primera Instancia de Madrid (España)


nullity of contract, unjust enrichment


Two companies agree to a contract in which the plaintiff is committed to providing a service which requires the authorization granted by the appropriate administrative authority, stating in the contract itself to be in his possession, trusting in the good faith of the provider of the service the other Contracting consent, finally taking out the service to the satisfaction of both. When the party providing the service calls the price of service through appropriate judicial proceedings, the defendant contends that the contract was void, to attend a defect in the formation of consent, while the above-mentioned authorization was obtained five months after the signing of the contract after that argument, stating that the contract is void from the beginning denied any effect to it, as opposed to paying the price.


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How to Cite

Cabrejas Guijarro, M. D. M. (2011). Efectos de la nulidad de contrato por vicios en el consentimiento. CEFLegal. Revista práctica De Derecho, (121), 138–143. Retrieved from https://revistas.cef.udima.es/index.php/ceflegal/article/view/12181

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