Mediation. A legal essay to invigorate its legal implementation


  • Francisco de la Torre Olid Profesor de Derecho Civil. Universidad Isabel I (España)



alternative dispute resolution (ADR), mediation, guiding principle, private autonomy, institutionalization


Impelled to launch mediation, as is the legislator, we contribute to the normative task with a model adjusted to the systematization plan offered in the table of contents with the aim of giving birth to a gradual process that goes from the foundation to the reason which, according to the informer principles, must be involved in the positive solution. A collaboration is needed to raise awareness in order to consolidate this instrument which was, initially, planned as an alternative although currently is already considered as complementary and cooperative in the Administration of Justice, and at the same time it is growing stronger in its field of implementation.

We highlight the enumeration of a broad list of principles which is justified because its amplitude and law significance multiplies the inspiring values and the justice arguments to institute mediation, understanding that, parting from this base, Law can be developed with better guarantees in its application and a greater efficacy level can be achieved.

Until now we have lacked of examples to invigorate mediation. Given that, involved in the task of strengthen this issue, reasons are provided with the goal of making its invocation mandatory.


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How to Cite

de la Torre Olid, F. (2019). Mediation. A legal essay to invigorate its legal implementation. CEFLegal. Revista práctica De Derecho, (225), 45–76.



Comentarios doctrinales y jurisprudenciales. Civil