Police record commercial and inviolability of the home


  • José Ignacio Esquivias Jaramillo Fiscal (Fiscalía Provincial de Madrid, España)


police search house, law clerk intervention, witnesses, local registry


A commercial is not home, and Article 18 of the Constitution, when it refers to the inviolability of the home, not thinking about the shops by the connotation that are open to the public. The cafes, bars, even the interior rooms of a club are open to the public establishments. The public opening note is crucial.

Even missing witnesses, the Registrar Judicial Guard was in the record and validated by their presence the act. Just be noticeable, as has been said, a mere procedural irregularity, for breach of the rule 569 of the Criminal Procedure Act, which does not invalidate or void the evidence obtained.


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How to Cite

Esquivias Jaramillo, J. I. (2013). Police record commercial and inviolability of the home. CEFLegal. Revista práctica De Derecho, (149), 189–192. Retrieved from https://revistas.cef.udima.es/index.php/ceflegal/article/view/11735



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