The notarial judgment of sufficiency. Qualification registral

Commentary on the Tribunal Supremo of 23 september 2011


  • José Ignacio Atienza López Secretario Judicial del Juzgado de Vigilancia Penitenciaria n.º 3 de Madrid (España)



seizure, notary, register of deeds, conflict of laws: the specialty, legal certainty


The Registrar will limit your performance to the existence of the identification of the document review, trial attorney for adequacy and consistency of this title with the content presented, but the registrar may ask to be transcribed or attach the document that created the representation. Admitting the existence of the identification and review of the trial attorney of sufficiency, the criticism of registrar can not be justified by the incongruity of the trial attorney with the contents of the submitted title, because there is no such inconsistency in the fact that the notary did not have to view all of the scriptures but only part of them, whereas what makes recorder actually move beyond the assessment of any inconsistency, correction is to examine the adequacy of judgment issued by the notary, the exceeding their powers and left for possible consideration in the judicial process that could start the party.


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How to Cite

Atienza López, J. I. (2012). The notarial judgment of sufficiency. Qualification registral: Commentary on the Tribunal Supremo of 23 september 2011. CEFLegal. Revista práctica De Derecho, (137), 63–68.



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