Fighting against piracy on the internet. A compartive study –stories of pirates, users, cultural industry, authors and judges–


  • Gemma Minero Alejandre Profesora Ayudante de Derecho Civil de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)



intellectual property, data protection, freedom of speech, expression and information, right of privacy, Internet


Fighting against piracy in Internet is a great challenge in our society. However, the European framework is not clear. The task of establishing a fair balance between the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, on one hand, and the freedom of speech and information and the right of privacy –in particular, the personal data protection–, on the other hand, is not easy. The national strategies that were followed up to now are not well defined regarding the interest at stake of authors, Internet users and Internet Services Providers (both Internet access and Internet hosting providers). In this article, we make a comparative study of the normative and judicial measures and solutions carried on in other countries with equivalent or similar protection of intellectual property rights. That is, the United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Belgium and France. After that, we set out the Spanish solution in detail –the so-called «Sinde Act» and «Wert Regulation»– and the previous Spanish context that could explained it somehow. The new Spanish regulation establishes an administrative process where, due to the implications for fundamental rights, as freedom of information and speech and personal data protection, some judicial authorizations are required for the investigation process and final enforcement. Finally, we have included a personal evaluation and an outlook, taking into account the above-mentioned Spanish context and particularities and the outcome of the other national strategies previously studied.


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How to Cite

Minero Alejandre, G. (2012). Fighting against piracy on the internet. A compartive study –stories of pirates, users, cultural industry, authors and judges–. CEFLegal. Revista práctica De Derecho, (141), 47–94.



Comentarios doctrinales y jurisprudenciales. Civil-mercantil