Towards a new era of european tax cooperation: the EU directives 2010/24/EU and 2011/16/EU of assistance in the collection and administrative cooperation in tax matters


  • José Manuel Calderón Carrero Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario. Universidad de La Coruña (España)



tax enforcement, exchange of information in tax matters, fiscal cooperation, assistance in the recovery of taxes, European Union Tax Law


This work analyses the new EU Directives (2010/24/EU and 2011/16/UE) on assistance in tax collection and tax cooperation. These new EU Directives strengthen and update these tax enforcement mechanisms to the current arena where the tax administrations have to be as global as the taxpayers. These new EU rules substantially follow the standards so established by the OECD, and even go beyond from such international standards, establishing a new era of EU tax cooperation. However, as discussed throughout this work, we are far from having established a proper regulation to the current needs of administrative assistance between tax administrations of different EU Member States. Also from a taxpayer´s perspective the new EU Directives have failed to establish a well-balanced regulation with regard to the recognition of the basic defense guarantees.


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How to Cite

Calderón Carrero, J. M. (2011). Towards a new era of european tax cooperation: the EU directives 2010/24/EU and 2011/16/EU of assistance in the collection and administrative cooperation in tax matters. Revista De Contabilidad Y Tributación. CEF, (343), 49–86.

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