Study of gender barriers in the promotion to management positions and equality measures in a financial entity
gender barriers, equity measures, labor discrimination, gender differences, barriers to promotionAbstract
This paper analyzes the perceptions of employees about gender barriers for equality in the promotion to management positions, their importance and the most relevant measures to eliminate inequality in the access and promotion of women in the management positions. This study is carried out in a financial entity that is implementing its II Equality Opportunities Plan. The results reflect that, despite the company’s sensitivity towards equal opportunities, some barriers are perceived that difficult promotion and access to managerial positions for women. Barriers related to organizational culture, accessing power and influence networks and the unequal performance appraisal that women receive appear as the most relevant obstacles for women’s promotion. Women perceive to a greater extent than men the existence of barriers to promotion and give more relevance than their male coworkers to different measures for equality.
Supporting Agencies
Este trabajo se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación «La dinámica del bienestar subjetivo y sus dimensiones: un análisis desde la teoría de la adaptación», financiado por la Generalitat Valenciana (Ref.: PROMETEO/2016/138)
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