International jurisdiction over individual contracts of employment in the Lugano Convention


  • Guillermo Palao Moreno Catedrático de Derecho Internacional Privado. Universitat de València (España)



individual contract of employment, international jurisdiction, Lugano Convention II


Studies devoted to the jurisdictional questions which arise from international individual contracts of employment have, most of the times and up to now, centred their attention in the Brussels Convention and in the following Regulations Brussels I and I Recast –which form part of the so called «Brussels system»– as well as the case-law of the European Court of Justice which has interpreted them. Nevertheless, due to its «parallel» character, it is also of interest to analyse those solutions which the Lugano Convention II provides and its application by courts. In this sense, the recent decision in case C-603/17, Bosworth/Hurley, offers a good opportunity to examine its articles 18 to 21, as well as their application in practice, while waiting for a new revision of the Lugano Convention II which adapts those provisions to the changes which have been incorporated in the Regulation Brussels I Recast.

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How to Cite

Palao Moreno, G. (2019). International jurisdiction over individual contracts of employment in the Lugano Convention. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (439), 115–140.