The right to the adaptation of working hours and form of work because of conciliation of work and family life after the Royal decree law 6/2019


  • Mercedes López Balaguer Profesora titular de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Universitat de València (España)



equality, co-responsibility, adaptation of working day, conciliation


This article aims to study the new features incorporated into article 34.8 Status of workers after the reform operated by Royal decree law 6/2019. This Royal decree law has significantly modified the scope of the right of workers to adapt working hours to compatibilize work and family. It is a right whose exercise is generating an important controversy in companies as prove the number of judgment on the matter. Therefore, the analysis will be conducted from a very practical perspective to assess the scope of the 2019 reform through the interpretation that the Courts make of the right of adaptation.


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How to Cite

López Balaguer, M. (2019). The right to the adaptation of working hours and form of work because of conciliation of work and family life after the Royal decree law 6/2019. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (437-438), 93–118.