ILO legislation and policy on employment


  • Jaime Cabeza Pereiro Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Universidade de Vigo (España)



employment, international standards, ILO, decent work


The topic of employment has had a great interest in ILO. Several standards –conventions and recommendations– have been devoted to it from different points of view. Particularly, relating to the issue of public and private employment agencies, the regulatory activity of this organization has reached a great development. On the other hand, the ILO n.º 122 Convention is one on the most important standards in terms of governance. However, currently an updating of it would be necessary because the relationships between employment, growth and sustainability have changed deeply in the last fifty years. The ILO declarations, its non binding documents and also the UN Agenda express ambitious objectives on full employment, but without a legislative support adequately updated. While waiting for a new declaration on the occasion of the centennial Conference, employment continues, in any case, as one of the most important issues for the ILO.

Regarding the Spanish internal scope, the legislation and the employment policy have devoted more attention to the European Union guidelines than to the ILO ones. However the later also have to be taken into account particularly on the qualitative criteria on the adequate occupations. In this respect, the ILO has developed a body of thinking undoubtely more interesting than the European Union one.


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How to Cite

Cabeza Pereiro, J. (2019). ILO legislation and policy on employment. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (434), 97–121.