Endometriosis and occupational disability in gender perspective


  • Tasia Aránguez Sánchez Docente e investigadora. Departamento de Filosofía del Derecho. Universidad de Granada Responsable de Estudios Jurídicos de la Asociación Española de Afectadas por la Endometriosis (ADAEC) (España)




occupational disability, endometriosis, gender, fibromyalgia


The objects on this study are the resolutions on occupational disability in women with endometriosis. We argue, with other authors, that there seems to be gender troubles in the total and absolute permanent disability resolutions for endometriosis and other diseases of high female prevalence. We present a description of endometriosis, as a permanent disease, with objective character, and of the classifications that allow determining its severity and the functional limitations that it produces. From an analysis of 65 sentences, we expose the fundamental problems of permanent disability due to endometriosis and the courts criteria that currently determine the total and absolute permanent disability declaration, respectively. We conclude that endometriosis is almost always invisible in jurisprudence, so it is mentioned in the clinical description (between other diseases) but is not mentioned in the basis of the resolution and is attributed less importance to endometriosis in relation to other diseases (including other feminized diseases, in which less relative importance is also perceived).


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How to Cite

Aránguez Sánchez, T. (2018). Endometriosis and occupational disability in gender perspective. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (422), 61–90. https://doi.org/10.51302/rtss.2018.1610