Workplace mobbing as a symptom of a sick company


  • Susana Blanco Fernández Doctora en Psicología. Gabinete de Psicología Recursos (España)
  • Carmen González Pais Psicóloga forense acreditada. Gabinete de Psicología Recursos (España)
  • Judith Velasco Rodríguez Investigadora. Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de Córdoba (España)



mobbing, workplace bullying, psychological harm, gender, human resources, organizations


Mobbing may affect several legally protected interests such as dignity, physical and moral integrity, honour, personal and family privacy, right of personal portrayal, right to work, freedom of speech, to work in a healthy space, equality and no discrimination. Consequences may be devastating for 9 to 14 % of people who experience this issue. This is due to the amount of time they spend in the workplace, but also because of the problems that this casuistry entail that go beyond work and affect all the spheres of the victims’ life. Besides, the consequences related to mobbing could ultimately have an impact in the company (v. gr. Negative work environment, low performance) and in society (v. gr. work leave, medical expenses). There are two elements to mention: 1) generally, victims of workplace bullying are committed workers that present high ethical standards, this is, they are highly productive for the company, and 2) they are the less supported victims. In addition, both companies where this occur and the employees that bully others present some special characteristics. For all the above mentioned, investing in improving the organisation of work, the physical space where it takes place and how tasks are assigned is the most efficient way to transform organisations into spaces to facilitate personal growth. This could have benefits for employees, for the company and, transversally, for society.


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How to Cite

Blanco Fernández, S., González Pais, C., & Velasco Rodríguez, J. (2018). Workplace mobbing as a symptom of a sick company. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (422), 179–211.