Organizational commitment and its relationship with leader-member exchange and job satisfaction


  • Raul Bohrt Doctor en Psicología Social. Profesor titular de Psicología Organizacional en la Universidad Católica Boliviana, campus La Paz. Coordinador nacional de Recursos Humanos de la UCB (Bolivia)
  • Francisco Díaz Bretones Doctor en Psicología Social. Profesor titular en la Universidad de Granada (España)



job satisfaction, leader-member exchange (L-MX), leadership, organizational commitment


Organizational commitment is one of the most important attitudes at work since its value influences and is directly related to organizational outcomes. However, commitment is also affected by other preceding variables that modulates its intensity. Thus, in our study, we intend to observe the influence of two of them specifically: the relationship and distance between employee and supervisor as well as job satisfaction. To that end, after a literature review of the three-dimensional model of commitment, the job satisfaction constructs and the Leader-Employee Exchange (L-MX) model on the supervisor-employee relationship, we carried out a cross-sectional study in a sample of 353 workers from two Bolivian manufacturing factories. In the study we applied the organizational commitment questionnaire, the supervision quality scale and the overall job satisfaction questionnaire, which obtained good psychometric scores. From the obtained results, we were able to verify our proposed model, that is, on the one hand, the influence of job satisfaction on affective and normative commitment, mainly of the intrinsic type, although there was no influence on continuance commitment. In addition, we also observed that employees who had a good and close relationship with their supervisors developed greater satisfaction (mainly extrinsic) and commitment. These results encourage more research on the antecedents of commitment and specially in other national and Latin American samples.


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How to Cite

Bohrt, R., & Díaz Bretones, F. (2018). Organizational commitment and its relationship with leader-member exchange and job satisfaction. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (419), 187–212.