The multinational company, its management and the effective protection of workers




multinational companies, management powers, labor rights, social responsibility, self-regulation, collective bargaining, judicial protection


This article addresses the question of respect for labor rights by the management of multinational companies and the strategies to contain their power, in order to offer some protection to the workers who provide services to these complex companies in different countries. The impact of the different forms of action, via self-regulation or collective bargaining agreements, is analyzed. The issue of reputation and corporate strategies to gain competitive advantage by taking advantage of the various legal systems in play, as well as to provide a certain distributive justice in labor relations, are discussed. It also discusses the possible consequences of proposals to centralize knowledge of the claims of workers who provide services to the business community in various areas of the world, either in the courts or through recourse to arbitration. The paper offers reflections on the consequences of such ideal models on the role of the actors involved, as well as their possible effects on the relevance that different legal systems may have in connection with each other.


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Author Biography

Enrico Gragnoli, Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo. Universidad de Parma (Italia)

Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo en la Universidad de Parma. Ha escrito monografías sobre el empleo público, la información en la relación laboral, la interpretación de los convenios colectivos, el despido colectivo y sobre el convenio colectivo estatal. Ha impartido conferencias en numerosas universidades europeas y de Estados Unidos.


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How to Cite

Gragnoli, E. (2024). The multinational company, its management and the effective protection of workers. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (478), 61–80.