The review of final judgments as an exception to res judicata: past, present and future of an institution of a restrictive and subsidiary nature
review of judgement, labour proceeding, res judicata, legal certainty, subsidiarity, effective judicial protection, material justiceAbstract
Res judicata is undoubtedly the institution that most faithfully represents the principle of legal certainty contained among the inspiring principles of the legal system set out in the Spanish Constitution of 1978. However, despite the importance of guaranteeing this constitutional principle, our procedural legal system establishes that in certain cases there are exceptions to it, with the aim of ensuring that the material reality prevails over the procedural reality.
This procedure, which is regulated autonomously, as a procedure independent of the main procedure, and not as an additional appeal stage within the procedure, has an absolutely subsidiary nature, so that it is provided for in very specific cases which in turn are interpreted in a restrictive manner, and which in the field of labour procedure, based on a single instance process, sustained mainly by the principles of orality, immediacy and celerity, has an even more residual application.
The aim of this article is to carry out a systematic and chronological analysis of the application of this institution by labour jurisprudence in the past and in the present, as well as an assessment of the importance that it could have in the future.
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