Middle managers in the Spanish Public Administration. Key for a new culture


  • María del Pilar Otero Sandín Consejera Técnica de Calidad. Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (España)




cultural change, middle management, public administration, lean management


All human resources experts recognize that middle managers are an important key in all organizational structures. However, it is also a reality that they are mostly forgotten when defining and designing new policies, organizational and cultural changes.

If top managers are in charge of leading change in its first steps, middle managers are the cornerstone that keeps the flow of change moving in order to get consolidated. Success in achieving culture change does not depend on how leaders are, but on what they do.

In this paper, we present the defining notes of the middle managers in the Spanish public sector, the principles and tools of the Lean philosophy, which, although scarcely implanted in Spanish public bodies, are well known and applied in American and European public administrations, where it has proven its effectiveness to reduce costs, improve processing times, increase staff motivation and satisfaction. Within this Lean philosophy, we present the keys and habits of the middle managers that will allow maintaining the improvement over time, so cultural change consolidates.


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How to Cite

Otero Sandín, M. del P. (2017). Middle managers in the Spanish Public Administration. Key for a new culture. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (409), 159–200. https://doi.org/10.51302/rtss.2017.1894