Human resource management in public events' security


  • Natalia Plazas Martínez Oficial Administrativa de 1.ª Coordinadora del Departamento de Recursos Humanos. Barna Porters (España)
  • Lluis Miquel Rodríguez Pardo Oficial Administrativo de 1.ª Especialista en Relaciones Laborales y Agente de Igualdad. Barna Porters (España)



personnel of events, strategy, recruitment, management, coordination


The target of this study are companies of auxiliary services, mainly those in charge of access control to office buildings, resident’ associations, etc. Nevertheless, we will focus on the management of public events, in need of more qualified staff to ensure security and prevent any risk.

The main force of the service companies is the people, intern clients of the organization from whom a high level of compromise must be acquired. This can only be achieved if they trust and feel safe belonging to the company.

The selection process, hiring and dismiss of the staff of public events requires a strategy for the management of the human resources allocated to these activities, bound to the achievement of the company’s objectives and based on a constant and fluent communication between everyone involved (responsible people and coordinators, administrative and operative staff).

The organization structure must be design to guarantee success, both in the operative field and in the control and its administrative derivatives.

A proper management of the human resources and available legal tools, together with a workforce and a well-defined net of communication guarantees a high level of satisfaction among every member of the company and is key to its success.


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Bou Bauzá, G. [2004]: El Arte de la Guerra para Directivos, Directores y Dirigentes, Barcelona: Pirámide.

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Genua, R. L. [2000]: ¡Cuidado con lo que dice!: cómo lo dice, cuándo lo dice, dónde lo dice, Barcelona: Gestión.

Olivetto Ocampo, A.: Manual Organizacional de Recursos Humanos, Universidad Politécnica de Aguas Calientes.



How to Cite

Plazas Martínez, N., & Rodríguez Pardo, L. M. (2017). Human resource management in public events’ security. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (408), 205–232.