Emotions in the workplace. A proposal to diagnosis and intervention in service jobs


  • Vanesa Pérez Torres Profesora Visitante del Área de Psicología Social. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (España)




emotions in the workplace, emotional work, emotional regulation, burnout, job involvement


It is essential for organizations to understand the relationship between emotions and psychosocial risks. The investigation suggests that high emotional demands resulting from interactions with clients can be relations with burnout. This article reports research on emotion work as predictors to the job involvement and burnout in employees of the service sector. In addition, this research explores the moderating role that emotional regulation can have in coping with the emotional demands of jobs. Also included is a proposal for the development of emotional regulation skills for workers as a protective factor against these role demands. Findings revealed that the expression of positive emotions is related to the job involvement, increasing the psychological identification with the job. Moreover, the sensitivity requirements (the requirement to sense the emotion of the interaction partner) and emotional dissonance (the dissonance between felt and displayed emotions) increase the likelihood of participants having burnout. Finally, emotional regulation appears as a moderating variable in the relationship between emotional work and burnout, cushioning the effects that emotional exhaustion and cynicism have on the health of the worker. The recommendation is to strengthen the skills of emotional regulation through the training and development of skills in those workers exposed to high interactions with clients as a protective measure in psychosocial risks.


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How to Cite

Pérez Torres, V. (2017). Emotions in the workplace. A proposal to diagnosis and intervention in service jobs. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (407), 245–264. https://doi.org/10.51302/rtss.2017.1942