The legitimation in the collective challenge of the collective dismissal to economic, organizational, technical or production


  • M.ª Desamparados Bohigues Esparza Personal Investigador en Formación. Becaria FPU. Departamento de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Universidad de Valencia (España)



legitimation, collective dismissal, collective challenge


One of the key institutions in all industrial relations system is, without doubt, the termination of the employment contract. And the collective dismissal on economic, technical, organizational or production is one of the most important mechanisms of extinction and complex regulation of labor law, both substantive and procedural perspective.

The authorizing role of the labor authority disappeared, except in cases of force majeure continues, and as a result, labor procedural rules had to be adapted, as they have affected certain provisions of the Law Regulating Jurisdiction Social, including those relating to the challenging of the collective dismissal on economic, technical, organizational or production regulated in Article 124 of this law.

The complexity of this new procedural modality makes it essential to address the study of legitimacy to challenge a collective dismissal, the object of this paper being to perform a normative analysis of the legitimation to challenge a collective dismissal. Likewise, the treatment of passive legitimation will be studied, as well as the main interpretative doubts that its application generates.


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How to Cite

Bohigues Esparza, M. D. (2017). The legitimation in the collective challenge of the collective dismissal to economic, organizational, technical or production. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (407), 117–142.