Treatment of the Canadian province of Quebec with respect to psychological harassment in the workplace


  • Francisco Trujillo Pons Personal Investigador Contratado Doctor. Departamento de Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad Social. Universidad Jaume I (Castellón, España)



Quebec, Canada, harassment, psychological, workplace


This paper highlights the position taken by the Legislature of the Province of Quebec with respect to psychological harassment in the workplace. A general explanation of the Canadian situation regarding psychosocial risk at a Federal level will qualify its territorial structure formed by the Provinces and Territories and the impact that follows for the regulation of workplace harassment. In addition, how labour rights enjoyed by Canadian workers influence the Province of Quebec with regard to how the legislator defines occupational risk will be analyzed. The duties and responsibilities of all workplace parties naturally establishes a compensation system for victims of harassment and how a possible mental disorder results from a situation of mobbing will be discussed. Finally, the way Quebec workers can denounce these situations as unpleasant to be scanned vertebra occurring in the workplace. Undoubtedly, the context of Quebec regarding harassment at work can be taken as a reference or an example for the Spanish legislator from a preventive and remedial stance, since, as is well known, Spain does not currently have standard to visualize mobbing in the workplace in a concrete way from a preventive framework.


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How to Cite

Trujillo Pons, F. (2016). Treatment of the Canadian province of Quebec with respect to psychological harassment in the workplace. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (399), 91–118.