Senior Corps of Technicians of Social Security Administration


  • Diego Lozano Torres Civil servant trainees in the Senior Technical Corps Social Security Administration (Spain)
  • Eva Doblas Sestafe Civil servant trainees in the Senior Technical Corps Social Security Administration (Spain)
  • Alba Melero Gil Civil servant trainees in the Senior Technical Corps Social Security Administration (Spain)



case study, framing, appeal, retirement, permanent incapacity, minimum vital income


This practical case study reproduces the statement of the case that was presented as the third exercise in the competitive examination for entry into the Senior Technical Corps of the Social Security Administration, carried out by the Resolution of the Undersecretariat of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration of 11 April 2023 (BOE of 18 April). It analyses the questions arising from the questionnaire, incorporating the legal grounds for the answers to these questions, in accordance with the legislation in force on the date of the examination, which took place on 27 October 2023.


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How to Cite

Lozano Torres, D., Doblas Sestafe, E., & Melero Gil, A. (2024). Senior Corps of Technicians of Social Security Administration. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (482), 193–207.