Working time as a supporting element of the safety and health of workers




working time, safety and health, teleworking, work with digital labour platforms, control of working time


At present, the legal regime of what is considered working time is an uncertainty depending on the contingency in question. In the documents prepared by the ILO or the EU, some aspects that characterize working time are highlighted, such as lack of coordination between States, gaps in legal regulation, the lack of uniform criteria in collective bargaining, etc. These elements, added to the scarce adaptation mechanisms to regulate the new realities that are taking place, mean that most conflict situations have to be resolved by the courts, sometimes even with different criteria and, in the meantime, the legal insecurity that is generated hinders the day-to-day life of workers who see their private sphere invaded by work.

Therefore, this work aims to identify, from the point of view of safety and health, some elements that make up the concept of working time and analyze how this concept is being influenced by other factors, such as, for example, control administrative work hours, new forms of work (jobs with digital platforms and teleworking), new technologies or the current situation of health crisis.

Supporting Agencies

Trabajo realizado en el marco del Grupo de Referencia Derecho del Trabajo S18_20R, financiado por el Gobierno de Aragón. Agradecimiento al proyecto DER2017-85148-P, denominado «Del derecho de la crisis económica a la recuperación del empleo: la experiencia judicial aplicativa de la reforma laboral española», del Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (programa estatal de fomento de la investigación científica y técnica de excelencia, subprograma estatal de generación de conocimiento)


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García Perrote-Escartín, José Ignacio y Mercader Uguina, Jesús Rafael. (2017). El concepto de «tiempo de trabajo efectivo» en la doctrina reciente de los tribunales. Revista de Información Laboral, 12.

Lahera Forteza, Jesús. (2020). Ejercicio y cómputo de los permisos retribuidos. Comentario a las Sentencias del Tribunal Supremo 229/2020 y 257/2020, de 11 y 17 de marzo. Revista de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. CEF, 448, 169-174.

Molina Navarrete, Cristóbal. (2019). Nuevas claves de gestión del tiempo de trabajo: problemas aplicativos, sentencias controvertidas y primeros desarrollos convencionales. Revista de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. CEF, 440, 113-160.

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How to Cite

Aguilar Martín, M. del C. (2021). Working time as a supporting element of the safety and health of workers. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (456), 65–100.