Work time and leave for personal, family and work life balance in public employment




public employment, working hours, leave, holidays, work-life balance


Despite the unifying purpose behind the work carried out by the legislator of the Basic Statute of the Public Employee to establish a unitary legal framework common to the different types of public servants, the fact is that there has not been a total equalisation of rights.

In terms of working time, the rights recognised in article 14, j) and m), of the Basic Statute of the Public Employee stand out, which are intended to guarantee the necessary rest and the reconciliation of personal, work and family life. These rights are set out in the six precepts that make up chapter V of the same legal text, entitled «Right to working hours, leave and holidays». With regard to those to whom they are addressed, most of the provisions of chapter V, with the exception of article 51, are, in principle, aimed at civil servants.

On the other hand, in addition to the examination of the legal regime of working hours and holidays in the field of public employment, particular attention is paid to the regulation of leave and situations contemplated in articles 48 and 49 of the same regulatory text, in the light of scientific doctrine, as well as administrative and judicial criteria on the subject.

A comparison of the working time and leave regimes applicable to civil servants and to employees reveals some relevant differences between the two.

Supporting Agencies

Este trabajo se enmarca en el proyecto PID2019-104630RB-I00 sobre «El futuro del sistema español de protección social (VI): soluciones jurídicas a los actuales retos demográficos», financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, e incluido en la convocatoria 2019 de «Proyectos de I D i, Retos investigación (RTI), tipo B»


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How to Cite

García Romero, M. B. (2021). Work time and leave for personal, family and work life balance in public employment. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (458), 19–52.