Applicable law to the international labour contract and the principle of proximity and international legal security: Necessary cooperators


  • María Dolores Ortiz Vidal Doctora en Derecho por la Universidad de Zaragoza. Becaria Contratada FPU. Universidad de Murcia (España)



international labour contract, applicable law, Rome Regulation I, principle of proximity


The legislature of the European Union protects the worker as the weaker party to the legal relationship through special connecting criteria provided in the Rome Regulation I, more favourable to the worker's interests than general connection criteria for international contracts other than individual employment contracts. The present study examines whether the criteria for special connection that the Rome I Regulation referred to in the field of law applicable to the individual employment contract provide to the workers who have displaced a guarantee which consists in a minimum level of protection and respect the principles of proximity and international legal certainty.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Vidal, M. D. (2015). Applicable law to the international labour contract and the principle of proximity and international legal security: Necessary cooperators. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (385), 49–68.