Death grant in the Spanish Social Security: Past, present and future


  • Daniel Hernández González Actuario. Representante del Instituto de Actuarios Españoles en el Comité de Seguridad Social de la International Actuarial Association (España)
  • José Enrique Devesa Carpio Profesor Titular. Universidad de Valencia. Instituto de Investigación Polibienestar (España)



death grant, bereavement allowance, survivors' benefits, Social Security, funeral expenses


In Spain, the survivors' benefits have not been deeply studied by researchers, especially if the point of view is focused on the economic field or beyond the widows' pension. In this article, funeral grant as a protection tool is evaluated from a multidisciplinary analysis, and some American and European examples are also shown. As we conclude that, in Spain, this benefit is really away their goals, it should be modified or eliminated.


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How to Cite

Hernández González, D., & Devesa Carpio, J. E. (2015). Death grant in the Spanish Social Security: Past, present and future. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (388), 95–122.