International adjustment process for self-initiated expatriates. Study about Spanish interns in Germany


  • Ruth Vijande Rodríguez Directora General de Rodríguez International Consulting (España)



job mobility, international mobility, expatriate, self-initiated expatriate, adjustment


Migratory movements from Spain to Germany have regained substantial relevance in the last five years, mainly due to high rates of Spanish unemployment and German efforts to attract qualified personnel. International job mobility could be challenging and difficult, if it is not properly managed.
One of the groups most affected by unemployment in Spain is those under 25 years, so their international mobility is increasing to look for jobs. The investigation has focused on this group and its adaptation abroad. Particularly on the experiences of 10 young Spanish students of vocational training who, on their own initiative, decided to do an internship in companies in Germany. It is analyzed their adaptation in the so called tree degrees of international adjustment: at work, in their interaction with nationals and in general in the foreign country. The International adjustment model of Black, Mendenhall and Oddou (1991) is used as theoretical framework. It is a longitudinal study, since data was collected in three periods: before moving to Germany (P1), after one month to be interning (P2) and after three months (P3). The methodology used is the case study, using questionnaires in all three periods and group discussion at the end. Results of this study confirm the general validity of this model for the selected sample, giving emphasis to certain factors. In the anticipation phase, before traveling abroad, the selection process, language abilities and accurate expectations are the variables that most influence the future adaptation in the new country. Once abroad, the most significant variables for adaptation are social support and role clarity.


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How to Cite

Vijande Rodríguez, R. (2015). International adjustment process for self-initiated expatriates. Study about Spanish interns in Germany. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (389-390), 187–218.