Emphasizing small business with great potential for growth (start-ups)


  • Faustino Sánchez Guindo Conferenciante e Impulsor del Talento en las Organizaciones a través de www.rrhhpersonalvision.com (España)




start-up, new small business, people development, leadership, behavior, performance


The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the importance of the application of efficient human resources policies for the success of small businesses with great potential for growth (start-ups). These human resources policies require, at least, the same attention as other strategic areas policies in order to guarantee the consolidation and growth of these new entrepreneurial projects.

Some basic tools will be explained in terms of people development and leadership. These tools should be available to all companies, regardless of their size, age or activity, but they should be adapted to the singularity of the type of organization under study.

These tools will be presented within a global framework that clarifies what is expected from each member of the organization, developing clear standards for behavior and performance success.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Guindo, F. (2014). Emphasizing small business with great potential for growth (start-ups). Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (374), 151–176. https://doi.org/10.51302/rtss.2014.2944