Power in the firm: an approach to its measurement. A field study: the power of the human resources direction in the Valencian Community


  • Cristóbal Paus Moscardó Director de Recursos Humanos, Air Nostrum, L.A.M. (España)




power index, human resources, sources of power in a firm


On a representative sample of 111 executives, this research designs an assessment and measurement tool of the concept of «management power» within the company. In a firm, it can be distinguished a power that relies on the formal position, shown by the organization chart, and a power that relies on the person, as an individual. Both of them thrive in the cultural and organizational frame of the company, and both of them intend to get their maximum potential; the final results and the alignment of these results with the business objectives will give us the level of reached power. Therefore, our model considers the sources or decisive elements of power, the factors which contribute or limit it, and the consequences of its practice. This so called «power index model» consists in a scoring (in a 1.000 points scale) as a result of adding up 16 weighted indicators, gathered in 6 subfactors, and these in 3 key factors, according the following formula: power index = resources + limitations + results. The weight of each factor comes from the weighting given by an experts panel, and it is as follows: resources (27 %), limitations (35 %), results (38 %).


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How to Cite

Paus Moscardó, C. (2014). Power in the firm: an approach to its measurement. A field study: the power of the human resources direction in the Valencian Community. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (375), 199–240. https://doi.org/10.51302/rtss.2014.2946