Financial support provided for in article 27 of the Organic Law 1/2004 on comprehensive protection measures against gender violence and the requirement of being unemployed. A critical proposal


  • Mariola Serrano Argüeso Doctora en Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Profesora de la Universidad de Deusto (España)
  • Mónica Ibáñez González Doctora en Sociología. Investigadora y Profesora de la Universidad de Deusto (España)



gender violence, financial support, unemployment, informe de empleabilidad, precariedad económica


Since 2004 Organic Law on Comprehensive Protection Measures Against Gender Violence has brought about deep educational and social changes, but it also has exposed important shortcomings. Financial support provided for in article 27 of this Law in order to facilitate minimum resources for subsistence, which may allow women who have been victims of gender violence getting independent from the perpetrator, doesn’t fulfill, actually, the main purpose of getting economic independence which is completely necessary for getting out of the cycle of violence, because its granting is linked to employability report and the unemployment situation between these women. Indeed, this turns out to be incongruous with the main purpose of active employment policies, measures for social and labour insertion provided for in the same Law, and the global economic crisis and the unemployment situation that we are currently living.

This article examines unemployment situation between women and the special vulnerability and economic disadvantage suffered by gender violence victims, as well as highlights the incoherence between the requirements for being beneficiary of this financial support and the current needs of gender violence victims in order to get a real and effective labour integration that will facilitate them a life free from violence.


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How to Cite

Serrano Argüeso, M., & Ibáñez González, M. (2013). Financial support provided for in article 27 of the Organic Law 1/2004 on comprehensive protection measures against gender violence and the requirement of being unemployed. A critical proposal. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (362), 83–114.