Eighth report INNOVACEF: strategies to improve the national R+D+i


  • Pedro Aceituno Aceituno Profesor de Creación, Gestión y Organización de Empresas. Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)




strategy, knowledge, researchers, transfer, research career, training, financing


The goal of the eighth report INNOVACEF is, as in previous editions, know and compare the confidence's level of young researchers working in Spain, as a group more likely to go abroad, and Spanish scientists working abroad so that the possible differences may be reduced or eliminated as soon as possible.

In addition, interviews with experts have been conducted to deepen into the problems and solutions of strategic type of national R&D&i and the possible actions and collaborations that could be performed to improve the system. Similarly, to test the level obtained in the rate of young researchers working in Spain the opinion of the president of the Federation of Researchers is disclosed, in relation to the situation of young researchers.

To achieve the first goal a survey has been made based on the sample population of young researchers and scientists who are currently working abroad. To achieve the second goal a series of interviews were made with the president and experts. The results achieved establish that continue the great differences between the confidence's level of the two groups consulted, for which reduction or elimination should take a strategic solutions to overcome this problem and all affecting the national R&D&i.

Supporting Agencies

Este estudio será presentado por el autor dentro de las actividades planificadas por la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (UDIMA) en el marco de la XIII Semana de la Ciencia de Madrid a celebrar del 4 al 17 de noviembre de 2013.


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How to Cite

Aceituno Aceituno, P. (2013). Eighth report INNOVACEF: strategies to improve the national R+D+i. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (365-366), 1–68 (digital). https://doi.org/10.51302/rtss.2013.3176