Objective dismissal versus collective dismissal. An impressive reform of article 53 of the Workers' Statute





objective dismissal, collective dismissal, employment regulation procedure, individual challenge, judicial protection, extinction, nullity causes


The reform of the labor market operated by Law 3/2012, of urgent reforms for the labor market, modified the procedural legal regime of collective dismissal, both in its collective and individual aspects, modifying very significant aspects, creating a complex panorama, endowed with a certain legal insecurity in certain aspects, which has caused a regulation lacking the slightest symmetry. One of the issues that has caused the greatest controversy is that relating to the communication of the extinctive decision and its content, in terms of the criteria taken into account in the selection of the workers affected by the extinctive measure and the expression of the motivating cause of the dismissal.

Another point of inflection is constituted by the reasons for contesting that the workers can assert to substantiate their claim, since some of them, as will be seen, are subject to collective action, producing effects of undoubted significance in the extinctions that occur in the framework of a collective dismissal.

Well, the purpose of this study is to analyze the treatment of the termination of the employment contract for objective reasons when it occurs in the framework of a collective dismissal, relating the treatment of the substantive regulation with the procedural one, that is, the substantive law and the adjective law, being inconceivable that it is regulated by adjective precepts, without having modified the substantive precept that regulates it. Neither has the latest labor reform approved by Royal Decree-Law 32/2021, of December 28.

Supporting Agencies

Estudio resultado de la contratación a través de una ayuda (FPU) financiada por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades


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How to Cite

Bohigues Esparza, M. D. (2022). Objective dismissal versus collective dismissal. An impressive reform of article 53 of the Workers’ Statute. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (470), 77–107. https://doi.org/10.51302/rtss.2022.3239