New obligations for equal pay in the company




equal pay, transparent data, remuneration register, remuneration audit


This paper analyzes from a practical perspective the novelties that have been incorporated into our regulation in terms of equal pay in the light of the guidelines of the European Union. It is a set of obligations that the company must comply with in order to provide transparent data on remuneration matters and, based on them, adopt the decisions deemed necessary to overcome the remuneration gap once and for all. The instruments that must be used to achieve this objective are going to be essential in the day-to-day activities of companies. And, in the pages that follow, they will be analyzed taking into account that we are faced with tools that, although they will not always be easy to implement, are essential to ensure that equal pay for work of equal value is a reality. Thus, the obligation to apply objective job evaluation systems in the company will be analyzed; the obligation to prepare a remuneration register annually; the requirement to analyze this record by means of a remuneration audit; and, finally, the responsibility that can be demanded of companies if these obligations are breached.

Supporting Agencies

Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del Proyecto I D i «Retos investigación» 2018, «Análisis jurídico y sociológico de las brechas de género en las transiciones trabajo-jubilación-trabajo: factores de la desigualdad y propuestas normativas» (RTI2018-095888-B-I00).


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How to Cite

López Balaguer, M. (2022). New obligations for equal pay in the company. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (466), 93–128.