Sustainable investment as an integrator of socio-labour, environmental and governance aspects in the financial market: products, measurement and regulations in Europe




sustainable investment, environmental, socio-labor and governance investment criteria, sustainable investment products, green bonds, sustainable investment funds, sustainability rating agencies, sustainability stock indexes, European regulations on sustainable finance


Sustainable investing has become one of the hottest topics for the business community, financial markets and society in recent years. More and more investors are seeking to stimulate economic recovery in a more sustainable way, amplifying this momentum with investment with environmental, socio-labor and governance (ESG) criteria.

That is why, in this paper, we are going to address sustainable investment in Europe, focusing on describing the products and the different types of investment that the financial market offers as investment instruments. Moreover, we are going to discuss about the measurement and evaluation of ESG criteria, since the interest in investing in sustainability is creating a great demand for ESG data, ratings and classifications, which generates a proliferation of sustainability agencies and stock indices. Finally, we will analyze the recent European legislation and the outstanding role it is having in promoting sustainable investment.

In the final considerations, we will highlight some aspects that are currently controversial, in relation to the new sustainable investment products, the new sustainability measurement models and the recent regulations, as well as recommendations on the need for greater coherence in European sustainable finance.


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How to Cite

Fernández Izquierdo, M. Ángeles, Muñoz Torres, M. J., Rivera Lirio, J. M., Ferrero Ferrero, I., & Escrig Olmedo, E. (2022). Sustainable investment as an integrator of socio-labour, environmental and governance aspects in the financial market: products, measurement and regulations in Europe. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (469), 203–229.