Study on ethical behavior in organizations: why ethics are just words?


  • Sonia J. Romero Martínez Doctora en Psicología (España)
  • Inmaculada Cerejido Samos Doctora en Psicología (España)



ethics, enterprise culture and commitment


This research focuses on the behavioral factors of professional practice that enable or hinders the implementation of ethical business models. The paper aims to measure the degree to which present the «proto-ethical competence», in 187 Spanish companies, by means of the evaluation of the attitude that make possible the professional achievement from models committed with the environment and the people. The present study shows that the set of competencies defined (responsibility, commitment, respect, consistency, effort and sincerity) behaves as a single block. The study also analyzed differences of ethical behavior among different groups according to variables such as gender, age, sector, hierarchical level and organizational size. Additionally, the paper provides a tool to measure reliably the presence of these skills in a business environment.


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How to Cite

Romero Martínez, S. J., & Cerejido Samos, I. (2012). Study on ethical behavior in organizations: why ethics are just words?. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (357), 215–244.