The mismatch between the minimum income of the autonomous communities and the minimum vital income: decreasing protection and confusing regulation




minimum vital income, minimum income of the autonomous communities, false complementarity, European Social Charter, poverty, temporary benefit, active employment policies


The entry into the scene of the minimum vital income (IMV) through Royal Decree-Law 20/2020, of May 29, meant the appearance of a state social benefit to cover the risk of poverty and social exclusion; but, it is also aimed at covering other new risks related to job insecurity or the so-called "technological unemployment", as indicated by statement of the motives of the law. Also, the purpose of the rule was to provide a certain heterogeneity to the protection of these risks that was carried out, at least, through the minimum income of the autonomous communities. But the IMV has acted like a tsunami in the protection provided in these, by not taking into account the existing regulatory diversities; the IMV has caused modifications in the autonomic regulations that entail a reduction in the sphere of protection and social spending, when they are necessary due to the figures of poverty and social exclusion in our country. The analysis of this text will cover some of the most significant aspects of the autonomous benefits versus the state benefit, emphasizing the most pronounced problems, both past and present, and in a classic forgetfulness in this matter, that is, the obligatory nature of the compliance with the European Social Charter.


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How to Cite

Burriel Rodríguez-Diosdado, P. (2022). The mismatch between the minimum income of the autonomous communities and the minimum vital income: decreasing protection and confusing regulation. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (468), 47–95.