Inspection of Labour and Social Security


  • Andrea Ioana Pop Cioca Inspectora de Trabajo y Seguridad Social (España)
  • Jorge Trapero Trapero Inspector de Trabajo y Seguridad Social (España)
  • Félix Antonio Borreguero Téllez Inspector de Trabajo y Seguridad Social (España)
  • Lidia Salmador Domínguez Inspectora de Trabajo y Seguridad Social (España)



Labour and Social Security Inspection, practical case, displaced workers, working hours, salary, occupational health and safety, contribution


This practical case study reproduces the presentation of the case referred to the activity of the Labour and Social Security Inspection that was presented as the fourth exercise for the selective process of access to the Senior Corps of Labour and Social Security Inspectors, convoked by Resolution of 23 October 2019, of the Undersecretariat (BOE of 4 November and correction of errors of the Resolution of 27 November –BOE of 5 December–). An analysis is provided of the questions arising from the interpellation, incorporating the legal grounds for the response.


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How to Cite

Pop Cioca, A. I., Trapero Trapero, J., Borreguero Téllez, F. A., & Salmador Domínguez, L. (2022). Inspection of Labour and Social Security. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (468), 207–227.